Economics for Today 8th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Irvin B. Tucker shows why this is the book that is famous for helping readers at all levels of skill and preparation grasp and master economic principles. Written by an award-winning educator, recognized for his work in relating basic economic principles to global issues, this book continues its unique textual and visual learning system.
This text concisely presents and reinforces core concepts, then immediately assesses student comprehension. You will find the latest economic information on federal deficits, the stimulus package, environmental issues, and other developments presented in an engaging, easy-to-follow format applicable to everyday life.
This book provides a full complement of instructor resources, including a handy Instructor's Resource CD, new PowerPoint slides, and optional CourseMate website and complete array of videos. The book aims to simplify the array of confusing economic analyses and present a straightforward and balanced approach that effectively teaches the application of basic economics principles. Only essential material is included in the book and key concepts are explained in clear and simple terms.
Each chapter contains a number of current real-world exercises and topics for discussion. In each chapter, discussion/reflection questions ask students to answer a simple question related to the topic being discussed. Answers are provided at the end of the chapter. The chapter topics are highlighted in a global context in a mini-case, with ‘what do you think?’ questions. Economics and ethics references to ethical considerations are made throughout the text. Various sections deal at some length with the relationship between ethics and economics
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