Economics: A Contemporary Introduction 10th Edition PDF Download. William A. McEachern draws upon common reader experiences to introduce economic concepts, making economic theory more accessible and interesting. "Case Studies" and numerous examples take advantage of readers' intuitive knowledge of economics, building upon real-life situations. Important coverage of the recent economic crisis is included throughout.
A fully integrated program of technology enhancements sets this text apart by pairing the book with numerous online multimedia learning tools that have been developed to help the text better serve a wide range of learning styles. In a decidedly user-friendly tone, McEachern assumes that students are already intuitively familiar with many economic concepts through their own life experiences.
These life experiences are then explained to students as economic concepts with clear and interesting exposition, relevant case studies, and a clean, focused design. The text’s major applications take the form of Case Studies that are meant to be read and therefore are integrated into the flow of each chapter. The approach is enhanced with resources--such as Aplia and CourseMate--that will help your students improve their understanding and help you streamline tasks and save valuable time.
This text includes more exhibits to reinforce key ideas while capturing student interest. Graphs are clear, with curves that are carefully and systematically color-coded to enhance student understanding. CourseMate brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools that support the printed textbook.
Watch student comprehension soar as your class works with the printed textbook and the textbook-specific website. It also includes more exhibits to reinforce key ideas while capturing student interest. Graphs are clear, with curves that are carefully and systematically color-coded to enhance student understanding.
To Review sections sum up lengthy concepts, while other section summaries and brief, one-sentence questions are inserted into the flow of the text ensure that students comprehend what they’re studying and are ready to move on through the material.
McEachern leads by example, introducing each economic idea by using common everyday student experiences to help bridge the gap between what students already know and the unfamiliar world of economics. With each chapter, McEachern emphasizes the “rules of the game” in shaping markets and promoting economic development, such as the protection of intellectual property rights.
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