Cost Benefit Analysis Concepts and Practice 4th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Anthony E. Boardman introduces the consistent application of a nine-step framework for conducting or interpreting a cost-benefit analysis. This edition includes a number of chapters that have been revised and reorganized to make the material clearer and more accessible.
The authors first illustrate the nine steps to conducting and/or interpreting a CBA in Chapter 1, with the straightforward example of the Coquihalla Highway project. This example gives students an opportunity to see the practical realities of the entire cost-benefit analysis process, before getting into technical detail. The conceptual and practical issues introduced in this example are then developed in more depth throughout the remainder of the book.
Authors provide accurate and realistic information. They have each contributed to the field as prolific researchers, and their collective experience in consulting brings a true, realistic, and applied foundation to this text. This text emphasizes clear discussion over formal mathematics, and application over abstract theory, while still covering important, if difficult, conceptual issues in detail.
This text is aimed for courses on public-sector decision-making offered in graduate programs in public policy analysis, public sector management, urban planning, public administration, business, economics, public health and environmental studies. It is aimed for courses in economics, public finance, public-sector economics or policy analysis, policy analysts and public managers as a general introduction and practical guide to cost-benefit analysis.
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